Tuesday 4 April 2017


Many people spend a lot on creams just to find the perfect one for their skin. Some end up DAMAGING their Skin, Some End up with CANCER, Some end up DAMAGING their LIVER.
 So what Cream can I use to prevent all these side effects and yet have an amazing GLOWING Skin?
Well am not a fan of Creams I basically don't use any except it's 100% necessary like in harmatan season. But there are a list of this to look out for
before buying a cream.
   I am going to give you my fans and friends some tips on how to buy the right cream for following and visiting my blog.
       Here are some bad Ingredients to look out for before buying a cream:
1. Hydroquinione. It's the most popular ingredients in all these socalled whitening Creams. While some Dermatologist argue that 2% of Hydroquinione is safe for you but what happens after you are through with that bottle or jar of cream? YOU buy another one right? Making it 2%+2% that's 4% in your body and boom you are exposed to CANCER!!! Some say the body will get rid of the 2% before you know it ..REALLY? how often do you Detox your body? Your ststem is filled with free radicals and toxins from the air, food etc and you are giving it an extra 2% of a HARMFUL INGREDIENT... please before defending Hydroquinione Think Again.
Don't buy Creams that contains Hydroquinione...its not worth the risk...you are exposing yourself to CANCER.
2. Propylene Glycol. This is not just one HARMFUL INGREDIENT in creams. It's basically i  almost all hair products these days even in some food or drugs products. It's harmful. Damages your skin after giving you an initial glow. You look fair today...after some days you will darken. It keeps changing your skin colour and damages it with time
3. Parabens. No not good. Risk damaging your liver. So no.
4. Mercury...Cancer Alert.
     The list goes on and on. But these are some major ones. So what should you look out for in a good cream.?
    To know if a CREAM IS GOOD, Look out for Organic or Natural ingredients like:
1. Papaya...Naturally Lightens.
2. Honey
3. Lemons
4. Carrots.
5. Milk.
      So go to the super market and check your ingredients first before buying a cream. I also recommend use of COCONUT OIL till you find a good cream.
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