Monday 20 March 2017

Popular Teenage Naija Actress "Regina Daniels" exposes her body

Popular Naija actress who is only 16 years old has been blasted a lot on the internet lately by her fans due to her poor choice of dressing.
She seems to be crying for attention hence has resulted to doing things not fit for small girls like her.
Few weeks ago she was blasted for wearing a nose ring and a leg chain, which she later took off after she got the attention she wanted. Her tactics seems to be working well for her lol.
On her instagram she shared the above picture and as expected, fans blasted her.
     Regina is a nice young girl who I new from way back. But in recent times she is going off the hook. So I say *calm down down down* you are only 16. You have beauty plus brains no need for so much exposure.

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