Wednesday 29 March 2017


Just saw this and thought to share with you guys:
Medical errors in hospitals kill more Nigerians every
year than AIDS, malaria , breast cancer and auto
accidents combined .
But Arlindo Defreitas, a Portuguese national living in
Lagos, never thought his wife would be one of those
statistics. After all , he attended almost 5 years of medical school back in Portugal .
But when his wife took a turn for the worse during a
cesarean section at the Medical Art Center (MART ) in Lagos, he went from being confident to helpless and lost husband, afraid of questioning the care she was
getting, for fear it would become worse.
Arlindo, who now has to care for his son alone after his wife died following the cesarean section says his
wife was killed by doctors at the Mobolaji Bank Anthony Way , Onigbongbo, Lagos , based hospital .
“ When I entered the theater all her organs
was scattered around, I couldn’ t look , it
was like the work of a butcher . ” I told
the doctor my wife is not a cow, he said.
Arlindo said his wife, Amaka , 24, showed no signs of
distress in the weeks following up to the c - section .
According to him, after 4 years trying to conceive, his
wife finally got pregnant and was a pre- natal care
patient at the MART Hospital.
“ Last week Friday at 41 weeks of
pregnancy , doctors at the hospital told us
that no baby water was seen and as a
result a cesarean section operation must
be done as soon as possible . ” The
procedure was done and the baby was
delivered by 8 . 30 am on Saturday, and we
were very happy - for a short time , he
said .
“ I was very happy even though the baby
almost died as I was told by the doctors
that the baby was almost ‘ strangled ’ by
the umbilical cord , the head was red and
one arm was white , the skin was very
wrinkled . ” “ My wife was moved out of
the theater and transferred to a private
room to recuperate”‘ At some point she
was in excruciating pain, and the doctors
kept giving her doses upon doses of pain
killers ” .
“ I was uncomfortable and I told them that
from my experience as a medical student
years ago I think my wife hemorrhaged .
At that point Arlindo watched as her
condition steadily worsened , until doctors
asked him to leave the room. He claimed
that after his persistence the doctors ran
a test and said that his wife lost a lot of
blood during the cesarean section .
“ I was asked to leave and wait for a call
before coming back , so I went home ” .
In the words of Michael Klimek , a friend of Arlindo
and a fellow European from Germany, ” after she delivered the baby , the doctor told her that she have to
drink 5 bottles of water . ” I was shocked, everybody knows how dangerous it is for a woman that just
underwent C - Section to drink water ” . ” After drinking
the water , the bleeding started and it won´ t stop . They gave her 2 bags of blood - transfusion, but it was not helpful. ”
“ Hours later the doctors said they have
to cut her open again to find out what
was going on with her , Klimek said in
shock . At that point the husband said he
was told that she has low blood a 12 . 7 %
packed cell volume (PCV )”.
” I said why can ’t you use ultrasonic
Tools and scans to see what’ s going on ,
instead of cutting her open again and
allowing her lose more blood which is
already a problem ” .
“ By the time I got to the hospital, they
already cut her open for the second
surgery , they opened her thorax from
under the breast down – and finally , they
found nothing after 4 hours of operation . ”
“ I was an emotional wreck by this point . ”
I never gave consent for the second
surgery , nobody in my wife’ s family did ,
Arlindo told Per Second News . “ Until this
moment cause of death is still
unknown ” .
“ I don ´ t understand this doctors and
hospitals . This “ Photoshop certificate
Doctor” killed our best friend and for this
he must be imprisoned for life and the
MART Hospital shut down for ever. And
none of this doctor or nurses must
practice in this profession again , said an
angry Klimek , friend of the husband.
” I am from Germany and when this
things happen in Germany or Europe , the
government conduct an investigation, I
hope , this will be the same here , he
asked .
“ Now I can understand , why your
president went to medical check up
outside of Nigeria, he concluded.
The husband of the deceased claim that one Dr Moses butchered his wife to death , “ yes Moses killed my wife” . ” After they noticed their mistake they refuse to tell me details, I called them continuously and they
won’ t pick my phone ” .
Per Second News reached out to the hospital and the
chief medical director, Prof Oladapo Ashiru , said the
Mart medicare gave the deceased high quality care
with experienced professionals.
“ The lady Amaka , was young , she said
she was 24 but she looked 21 ” . “
He said all those that attended to her from the
Obstetrician to the Anesthesiologist and Nurses are
well experienced professionals. Ashiru said he has
well over 40 years experience.
He revealed that he was not part of the team that
worked on Amaka and directed us to the consultant
who spoke to Per Second News about what
transpired .
Dr Makewu said with the help of fertility doctors from
the MART Center , Amaka Defeitas , conceived using
IVF, after which we had a meeting with the couple
detailing a 13 week management plan that includes C-
section at birth.
“ Mr Defreitas rejected the C - section
saying he wanted his wife to have it the
natural way , despite several medical
advice from us” .
“ At 37 weeks there was no sign of labor
and they were still insisting on natural
means” . I didn’ t see them or hear from
them again until I called them at 39
weeks and she said she travelled and
was not around” . “ They finally came
when the pregnancy was at 41 weeks ,
after a scan no baby water was seen at
that point I told them categorically that a
C - Section must be done immediately. ”
“ We did the procedure and the baby
arrived Saturday morning , except for the
umbilical cord that was around the
baby ’ s neck , everything was fine , both
mother and baby were fine and we even
moved her out of the theater to the
normal room for her to recuperate. ”
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“ Hours after the first surgery she started
complaining of tummy ache and severe
pain , despite the pain killers being
administered on her , she also complained
of abdominal pain.
“ She was pale and we ran a test and
found out that her blood level was 12 . 7
percent low , at that point we did the
second surgery to find out what was the
cause of pain” . Dr Makewu put the blame
at the doorsteps of the Defeitas , saying
the operation should have been done
weeks before the 41 week period .
Asked about cause of death , he said autopsy is
currently being carried out. But Mr Defeitas insists that
it was an error on the part of the doctors to cut his
wife open for the second time within a 24 hour
Justifying his claim , Defreitas , said he did not give his
consent for the second surgery because he expected
the hospital to do a comprehensive CT - Scan of the
Pelvic & Abdomen to get the right diagnosis, rather
the doctors did a normal blood test which will never
tell you if a patient has a blood clot or something
more fatal .
“ I insisted in scan but before I arrived at
the hospital they already cut her open
and allowing her to lose more blood
leading to her death ” .
A doctor close to the family said ” Possibly she bled a
lot at first surgery , maybe the womb did not contract
well also ” . “ She could also have had a DIC
(Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation ) an acquired
bleeding disorder from too much blood loss , which
makes it impossible for the body to stop further blood
loss” .
Defreitas, a retired professional with Lufthansa ,
German airline opened up in a lengthy discussion with
Per Second News about living with the heartbreaking
loss of his wife, Amaka, an Imo state indigene.
The family are still in shock and traumatised over the
mysterious death of Amaka Defeitas , wit the husband
demanding that an independent postmortem be done
on the remains of his wife.
“ We travelled all over the world together
and looking forward to spending our lives
in Nigeria, its so sad, I don ’ t know what
to do next” .
Speaking with Per Second News Dr Tiffany Jones, a
US based obstetrician , said the case of the late
Amaka Defreitas, is both pathetic and curious ,
wondering the rationale for making her go under the
knife within 24 hours after the C - Section . She said the
most common reason women die during C - sections is
bleeding. Bleeding can be fast and severe and by the
time any medical protocol can be instituted ,
sometimes it’ s just too late .
“ That is why I believe the second surgery
was not necessary ” .
“ Other C - section complications include
bladder injury , infection , bowel injuries
and blood clots , which can sometimes
result in pulmonary embolisms . A
pulmonary embolism is a potentially fatal
blockage of the main artery of the lung by
a substance that has traveled from
somewhere else in the body. ”

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