Thursday 23 March 2017


 Pimples, BLACKHEADS,Age spots etc are one of the major reasons why girls and Ladies this days Laden their faces with lot's snd lots of foundations, make up of all sort in a bid to look amazingly beautiful without letting anyone see the blemishes on their faces.
These chemical filled make ups and powders are actually doing MORE harm to your faces than good. Our skin breathes, when you cover your face with layers of nake up or powder or whatever you clog your pores and expand them AND end up looking wrinkled and older at the end of THE day.
    So today my fans, I have decided to share some tips or recipe for you to get rid of those skin problems and let your skin GLOW WITH PRIDE AND BEAUTY.
1.Baking Soda. If you follow my blog, by now you must have gotten your own baking soda from a drug store because this shows up in almost all my skin care recipes.
2.castor oil.
3. Bandage
 Note the above ingredients is mainly for mole removal. Will be sharing other ingredients for other skin problems shortly but this is mainly for mole removal AND acne too.
  Method of preparation: it's really simple. Add a spoon or two of baking soda in a clean bowl, add castor oil few spoons just to form a paste. Mix well then apply on the mole. Bandage the affected area leave over night.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
 Its really effective you can use it to cleanse your face using cotton wool.
2.Banana peel. Yes...don't be so fast in throwing that banana peel away all you have to do is rub it all over yourface and on the mole everyday. Allow to dry then wash off.
    I have talked much on getting rid of pimples in my previous post. So check them out to get more tips to add to THE ones above.
Don't forget to drop your comments, or questions and follow for more skincare tips plus vudeos coming soon.πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘

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