Monday 3 July 2017

Miracle: Yomi Black's Wife Shares Amazing Testimony As Her Son Turns Two

Lizzy John Black, wife of photographer Yomi Black shared this story to mark son's birthday today, be inspired!

Let me share a testimony about my son @quamilblack Yomi and I waited 3years after marriage before we decided to start having kids and one of the major reasons was we thought we needed to do IVF because we were both AS (blood type). 

Cut the long story short- after finding out I was pregnant, we had to go for an amniocentesis session to check his genotype and to the glory of God he was AA, no sickle cell, nor down syndrome whatsoever. God gave me what I always wanted, a healthy boy, and by His grace, my son has never been ill or sick, not even a fever. 

His due date was on my birthday, but having a mind of his own, he decided to come out on his own special day 2 days after my birthday. 5:14am 1st of July, 2015. The reason his grandmother calls him "Oluwajomiloju" Meaning God has surprised me. ... And that's why we named "Quamil" Derived from "Kamil" meaning "The Perfect One"....

As if that was not enough, he is also blessed with a very high I.Q. He knew and could call all the primary colours by 10months old, by 22 months he could recite 1-20 and 1-10 backwards, A-Z and backwards, he knows all the shapes, and a whole lot of other things and hasn't even attended any school yet. I can go on and on, today because I'm just so filled with Joy over my gift. I'm so grateful and I strongly feel blessed by God for bringing Q into my life. My charming cute mischievous, funny, smart Son like his Dad. #loveyoutobits #happybirthdayQ

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