Thursday 6 April 2017


Here’s a shocking story of how the Federal Medical Center in Asaba allegedly murdered a man ’ s wife,
Mrs. Rita Uchebuego due to negligence . She gave birth to twins before her death . In his words :
KILLED by some wicked and heartless
humans who claim to be Doctors and
nurses at O and G ward FMC Asaba after
I have paid for everything that was
needed . This is our 9 th month of
marriage ; our wedding was on the 11th
June, 2016.
Below is the full story :
MY STORY – By the husband of the deceased .
On Monday the 6th of March , my wife who was
pregnant went for anti natal at Federal Medical Center
FMC Asaba , and the Doctor who she was assign to
and who has earlier confirm my wife’ s Expected Date
of Delivery ( EDD) to be 19th March , 2017 discovered
her blood pressure BP was a little above normal, then
the doctor said she will be admitted so they can
monitor her BP till the next day . When I came back
from site , I drove to the hospital to pick my wife and
she told me her doctor has said she will be admitted ,
I requested to see the doctor but to no avail , so she
took me to the nurses who ask if I am the husband
and I said yes ,
They brought my wife anti natal file , took us to the
pay point collected ten 10 thousand Naira from me as
deposit fee and after she has paid she took us to the
O and G ward were my wife was finally admitted . I
called my in - law who was already in Asaba from Imo
state for her first omukwor to came and stay with her
daughter , but my wife objected that the hospital
environment may not be conducive for the mother and
that she will not be permitted to sleep inside the
ward. So we stay with her till 9pm and left as the
nurses were beginning to lock the doors.
On Tuesday 7 th of March , i ask my inlaw to go and
join my wife as I went to site very early. When I came
back around 12 noon , I rush to the hospital to check
on my wife, I met my wife passing through a severe
intense pain and her stomach was moving up and
down and she was shouting I ask her what the
problem was , and she said she was INDUCED . I didn ’t
know what it means to be induced because this is our
first pregnancy , but the agony my wife was going
through was beyond normal so I requested to see the
Doctor all effort was futile . I was very angry, why will
they do this to my wife I ask , you told me they were
admitting her for BP. Nurses were complaining that I
was disturbing the ward, they also said my wife will
soon deliver. I had some survey plans to produce so I
left to come back later , when I came back in the
evening, my wife couldn’ t stand up again from the
hospital bed, the pains has increased , I insisted I was
going to talk with her . When she came out, she told
me they INDUCED her the second time. The first
INDUCTION failed and the doctor , Dr . Ojenuwa
instructed she should be induced the second time . I
was mad . I looked for the doctor but he was nowhere
to be found. All these were done without my consent;
I waited till 10pm if I could see the doctor but he
never showed up so I left .
The next day Wednesday 8th of March , my inlaw called me to come immediately for my wife have been
booked for emergency Cesarean Section , and that the
doctor is requesting for an astral pint of blood, I
quickly made calls to the laboratory department who
helped made the blood available before I arrive the hospital. When I got there , my wife had already been
prepared and place on top of a wheel bed. They asked
me to sign ; I read and signed , prayed for my wife with
my pastor who prayed through the phone. For more
than 30minute , the nurses kept jesting and my wife
was still in that pain , shouting on top of the wheel
bed. I was worried , then I ask why the delay ? No answer. I kept asking them until one man standing and talking with them got concerned and said who is
woman? This woman ’s issue is more critical and urgent than the person inside the theater . He then instructed that my wife should be moved into the
theater while the person inside should be moved out
as her case is not as serious as my wife, but the
nurses refused . He continued saying that he will not
leave a serious and urgent situation and start to work
on an unserious one .
At that point, I notice the person talking is a doctor by
name Dr . Longway, who is working under the
supervision of a consultant named Dr . Maduakor who
happens to be our private family doctor , Dr . Maduakor
also knows the history of the pregnancy as we have
also been visiting his private hospital from day one .
When I got to know that Dr . Maduakor is the consultant to supervise the operation from the nurses,
I was happy, I quickly called him to come that my
wife is the person they were calling him for but he
never came . After 20 minutes I called him the second
time, he never came . Though finally , Dr . Longway
conducted the operation and it was very successful, I donated two pants of blood as we were instructed
during anti natal orientations . After the surgery , my wife needed a little medical attention and support, just
like every other woman in her condition , two or three pant of blood which I had earlier paid for , but was
denied her by the wicked Nigeria Doctors and Nurses
at Federal Medical Centre, Asaba . The doctor on duty
said they were waiting for instructions from the higher
consultant Dr . Maduakor after they have informed him of the situation . The higher consultant happens to be
my family doctor but was angry because we didn ’ t come to his private hospital for delivery. Yes , because I called him on two occasions to come help the
situation but he never showed up . Therefore, the instructions never came and the junior doctors and nurses were watching my wife till she passed on .
Early morning on Thursday , 9th march my wife called
me by 4 . 52am to come immediately so I can help
her , when I got there , she was left alone as the
wicked Nigeria doctors and nurses were all sitting
carelessly watched her struggle with the oxygen that
was fixed on her and calling for help because of her
new babies . Her mother was highly restricted from
entering the ward according to FMC Asaba tradition.
What is happening? I shouted , one useless nurse
shouted back, are you not the husband? Go and pay
for blood . My wife was shouting , heartbeat please
come and help me with the oxygen she was trying to
push into her nose. I was in the middle of different
decision, please put blood, I pleaded , but they refuse
that I should go and pay and bring receipt first .
Quickly rush to pay within 7 to 10minus , only to come
and met my wife lifeless …… . So sad ! This is after she
has delivered a twin; two beautiful girls the previous
day. This is my present predicament . MY WIFE DID
NOT DIE , MY WIFE WAS KILLED by some wicked and
heartless humans who claim to be Doctors and nurses
at O and G ward FMC Asaba after I have paid for
everything that was needed . This is our 9th month of
marriage; our wedding was on the 11th June, 2016 .
         πŸ˜’😒😒 so sad... May God's Kingdom come and put an END TO ALL SUFFERING AND DEATH...

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