Friday 2 June 2017

Abortion Is Not A Sin; Those Women Who Through Their Babies Away Are Not Wicked; Says Controversial Blogger Anne

Controvertial Blogger and Linda Ikeji Wannabe, Oluchi Anne in a post on her Facebook wall has said Abortion isn ’ t a sin . Read Below her piece ;
Abortion is not a sin.
Don ’ t ask me for advice on what to do with your unwanted pregnancy because I will tell you to go for a D & C . You see, I am not going to be amongst the women who tell you to keep a baby you are not psychologically or emotionally prepared for .
I do not believe the whole hogwash story that once the baby is born , he will end up being a blessing . Neither do I believe in the bullshit theory that once you hold the baby in your hands, you will be enveloped with so much love .
African people has made it a point of duty to tell anyone seeking help for their unwanted pregnancies that , they should keep the baby . Why ? Because they assume abortion is a sin
Until people start allowing others make choices that are better for them , we will continue to hear stories of women who abadoned their babies in cartons and single mothers lying about having children just to get married .
See , those women who dump their children should not be called wicked because someone directly or indirectly advised them to keep a pregnancy they Didn ’ t want .
Once they had the baby , the people who gave them such stupid advise left to live their lives and reality hit them. I can assume that once they held the baby in their hands, they didn ’ t feel that love people spoke off and all they felt was regret and disdain .
The Attention Seeker, Further disclosed that every unborn child deserves a mother who is psychologically ready for him/ her . It is unfair to the unborn child to say abortion is a sin . Not every woman deserves to be mother so stop forcing it on every woman you see .
My question is where those women raped???? If you get pregnant out of inability to obey Gods word regarding Premarital Sex, You commit a very BIG FAT SIN when you abort or through your baby away. Even women that are raped have NO RIGHT TO TAKE A LIFE THEY DIDN'T CREATE. Abortion to me is Tantamount to Murder except miscarriage....

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