Saturday 18 March 2017

Lose that excess weight and belly fat with these simple home made therapy

   For centuries many humans have had so many worries about their weight, their Height, and their looks in general. But no issue bothers the young and some old like weight issues.
Some people go through a lot to shed fat loose weight and look fit. It could be for health reasons or to look more attractive, whatever reason you have to loose weight, there are natural ways or remedies for weight loss.
I have put together some of the weight loss tips just for you.
Here are ingredients you need to prepare a great recipe for weight loss right there in your home:
4.Basil leave
        Blend Ginger, raw turmeric, basil leave together. Add a table spoon of honey, add a little warm water and make a paste out of it. Add a spoon of Lemon Juice to the paste mix well and drink this 10 minutes before break fast. The lemon Juice helps to block fat hence it's safe to say it reduces the rate at which your body converts food to fat.
You can also apply the paste to your skin for a fairer and healthier natural skin glow.
 Note that this mixture will also help to burn your belly fat faster hence endeavour to take 10 minutes before breakfast for better results.
   Other weight loss tips includes:
1. Exercise. I recommend Dancing. Its a fun exercise, less stressful and very effective especially for nursing mothers who might not be able to participate in rigorous forms of exercises.
2. Eat less Junk snack on nuts and fruits.
3. Drink more water less soft drinks.
4. Cut down on your meals but never skip a meal.
    If you find this article helpful please do drop your comments below and follow for more health tips coming your way soon.

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